/* Collection of pages which handles everything admin-panel related. Login page collects information and passes it via post method to backend which processes passed form and shows templ AdminPanelPage(). If form incorrected than it shows nothing. */ package templates import "github.com/dixxe/personal-website/web/static/styling" import "strconv" import "github.com/dixxe/personal-website/iternal/pkg/repositories" // Template to reduce boilerplate and untie everything templ postsTable(blogPosts []repositories.Post) { if len(blogPosts) == 0 {

База данных блога не загрузилась.

} for _, post := range blogPosts { }
ID Header Content
{strconv.Itoa(post.Id)} {post.Header} {post.Content}
} templ AdminPanelPage(blogPosts []repositories.Post) { @BasicPageBlock()

Очень защищенная админ-панель

Добавление новых постов

