// Code generated by templ - DO NOT EDIT. // templ: version: v0.3.833 /* Main page of website that shows on root. Contains useful information and links to other pages */ package templates //lint:file-ignore SA4006 This context is only used if a nested component is present. import "github.com/a-h/templ" import templruntime "github.com/a-h/templ/runtime" import "github.com/dixxe/personal-website/web/static/styling" func IndexPage() templ.Component { return templruntime.GeneratedTemplate(func(templ_7745c5c3_Input templruntime.GeneratedComponentInput) (templ_7745c5c3_Err error) { templ_7745c5c3_W, ctx := templ_7745c5c3_Input.Writer, templ_7745c5c3_Input.Context if templ_7745c5c3_CtxErr := ctx.Err(); templ_7745c5c3_CtxErr != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_CtxErr } templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_IsBuffer := templruntime.GetBuffer(templ_7745c5c3_W) if !templ_7745c5c3_IsBuffer { defer func() { templ_7745c5c3_BufErr := templruntime.ReleaseBuffer(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer) if templ_7745c5c3_Err == nil { templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_BufErr } }() } ctx = templ.InitializeContext(ctx) templ_7745c5c3_Var1 := templ.GetChildren(ctx) if templ_7745c5c3_Var1 == nil { templ_7745c5c3_Var1 = templ.NopComponent } ctx = templ.ClearChildren(ctx) templ_7745c5c3_Err = BasicPageBlock().Render(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var2 = []any{styling.HelloContainer()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var2...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 1, "

Greetings! I'm
") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var4 = []any{styling.Header()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var4...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 3, "nullmax17
and this is my
personal website

") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var6 = []any{styling.Textcontainer(), styling.CenterContainer()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var6...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 5, "
") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var8 = []any{styling.Header()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var8...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 7, "

About me

I'm ") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var10 = []any{styling.HighlightText()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var10...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 9, "16 years old junior software engineer.
Born & live in Russia 🇷🇺
U budućnosti želim da se preselim u Srbiju! 🇷🇸
I speak native Russian and English(B2)
Currently I'm changing my username
but you can know me as d1xxe

I have skills in ") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var12 = []any{styling.HighlightText()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var12...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 11, "Go, Java, Rust, C# and ") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var14 = []any{styling.HighlightText()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var14...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 13, "Linux

I have a passion to learn new, complex things.
Currently I'm learning C#, ASP.NET, Avalonia

") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var16 = []any{styling.CenterContainer(), styling.Textcontainer()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var16...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 15, "
") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var18 = []any{styling.Header()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var18...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 17, "

My projects

Vanilla minecraft launcher

Minecraft mods

") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var20 = []any{styling.HighlightText()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var20...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 19, "

Heavy WIP

") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var22 = []any{styling.CenterContainer(), styling.Textcontainer()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var22...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 21, "
") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var24 = []any{styling.Header()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var24...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 23, "

More stuff from me

") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var26 = []any{styling.BubbleContainer()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var26...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 25, "
Personal Blog
") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } var templ_7745c5c3_Var28 = []any{styling.BubbleContainer()} templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ.RenderCSSItems(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, templ_7745c5c3_Var28...) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = templruntime.WriteString(templ_7745c5c3_Buffer, 27, "
Self-hosted public gitea instance
") if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } templ_7745c5c3_Err = UsefulLinks().Render(ctx, templ_7745c5c3_Buffer) if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil { return templ_7745c5c3_Err } return nil }) } var _ = templruntime.GeneratedTemplate