/* Main page of website that shows on root. Contains useful information and links to other pages */ package templates import "github.com/dixxe/personal-website/web/static/styling" templ IndexPage() { @BasicPageBlock()

Greetings! I'm
and this is my
personal website

About me

I'm 16 years old junior software engineer.
Born & live in Russia 🇷🇺
U budućnosti želim da se preselim u Srbiju! 🇷🇸
I speak native Russian and English(B2)
Currently I'm changing my username
but you can know me as d1xxe

I have skills in Go, Java, Rust, C# and Linux

I have a passion to learn new, complex things.
Currently I'm learning C#, ASP.NET, Avalonia

My projects

Vanilla minecraft launcher

Minecraft mods

Heavy WIP

More stuff from me

Personal Blog
Self-hosted public gitea instance
@UsefulLinks() }