❄️ Welcome to ficache's NixOS config! ❄️
NixOS is not like any other Linux distributive. Declarative, Reproducible, Immutable and Atomic - this OS is another whole world, world full of wonders. ✨
Information about config
- My main goal is made easy to understand, no boiler-plate config, so anyone can fork it and modify for own needs!
- I'm still new to NixOS so this config will change very much as I learn new efficient approaches to do it
For now my config is over compicated. I'm looking for solutions that will reduce amount of changing stuff. Probably will create a bash script or smth.
How to use it:
git clone https://this/repo
cd your/path/to/config
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .
home-manager switch --flake .
How to modify it:
Cloned this repo:
1. Delete `.git/` folder from your config, so you can add files and build without warnings.
2. Use your favourite code editor
Forked this repo:
1. You ready to do any changes
2. Use your favourite code editor
3. Use git commands to commit changes to your repo
Special thanks
To you if you decided to give a try my config!