❄️ Welcome to ficache's NixOS config! ❄️

![preview](preview.png) --- > ### 📝 > NixOS is not like any other Linux distributive. Declarative, Reproducible, Immutable and Atomic - this OS is another whole world, world full of wonders. ✨ --- ## Information about config * My main goal is made **easy to understand, no boiler-plate config**, so anyone can fork it and modify for own needs! * I'm still new to NixOS so this config will change very much as I learn new efficient approaches to do it For now my config is over compicated. I'm looking for solutions that will reduce amount of changing stuff. Probably will create a bash script or smth. ## How to use it: ```bash git clone https://this/repo cd your/path/to/config sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake . home-manager switch --flake . ``` ## How to modify it:
Cloned this repo: 1. Delete `.git/` folder from your config, so you can add files and build without warnings. 2. Use your favourite code editor
Forked this repo: 1. You ready to do any changes 2. Use your favourite code editor 3. Use git commands to commit changes to your repo
## Special thanks **To you** if you decided to give a try my config!